Discover the new collection of luxury vegan handbags and cross-body bags from the ethical brand.
Bohema Clothing is a pioneer in creating the highest quality designer vegan shoes from plant-based leathers. In our drops you won't find animal skins, plastic or any other materials that have a questionable impact on the planet. Instead, we offer you the best alternative, which is our vegan bags made of plant and fruit materials. Now we've added vegan leather bags made from corn to our portfolio. See why our bags are the best choice for years to come.
Vegan handbags & crossbody bags - sustainable design. Fashion good for you and for the planet.
Bohema Clothing was founded to create environmentally friendly and cruelty-free fashion. From the design itself to the final product, we care about the principles of sustainable and ethical production. We strive to use every element and scrap of leather wisely without sacrificing our signature style. Our first beautiful vegan leather handbag model features our brand's signature geometric shape, a timeless design that never goes out of fashion, complemented by high-quality innovative materials and artisanal handcrafting. Did you know that we were inspired to create this model by the night and a vampire's smile? If you want to find out why, be sure to visit our Instagram @bohemaclth. Vegan bags from Bohema Clothing are an accessory that will not only enhance the unique character of any look, but also allow you to manifest your attitude towards the world.
Plant-based vegan leather bags: the ultimate in quality and comfort.
The geometric form is an integral part of purse from Bohema. But an interesting shape is not everything. We make sure that our handbags are not only beautiful and elegant, but above all useful and comfortable to use and stay with you for years to come. Handmade handbags are a guarantee of quality and aesthetic finish. This is taken care of by our craftsmen, whom we appreciate not only for their many years of experience, but above all for their attention to detail. All our vegan purses are ethically hand sewn in Poland in small local manufactories. The outer part of the bag is made of vegan leather made from corn, which contains up to 74% bio-based. What else is the advantage of vegan leather over animal skin? Apart from the fact that the vegetable one is just as durable, it has one significant advantage that the animal one does not have: it is extremely lightweight, which definitely makes it more comfortable to wear. The interior of the bag is made of natural cotton fabric. Inside you will also find a zipped pocket, which is certainly a functional detail and useful for small items. All the fittings in our handbag are made of high-quality aluminium or brass. You can choose the handbag with an adjustable strap or chain. The best way to find out for yourself is when you see it and touch it, you will need it <3 The handbags are now available online for pre-order and will be available in-store at the end of April.
Why choose a vegan leather handbag from Bohema?
All of our bags are made ethically and with animal-free materials. Our purses are a premium product - they are distinguished by their high-end finish. Their price is also conscious - we care about decent wages and working conditions for all our employees. We ship our handbags all over the world: to Europe, the USA and even Austria. Shop vegan handbag from Bohema and see for yourself.